Leading higher marine institute of the Danube region is considered the Danube institute of the National university “Odessa marine academy”. Its history began as early as February in 1960. Upon the assistance and guidance of the Ukrainian Danube Shipping Company the consulting centre of Odessa higher engineering marine school (OVIMU) was opened in Izmail. At the end of 1962 the consulting centre was reorganized to the faculty (instruction by correspondence) of OVIMU. Due to the reorganization of higher educational institutions the faculty was closed in 1988. 10 years later in 1998 the Department of education of Ukraine granted the permission to open the Izmail department (instruction by correspondence) of Odessa National Maritime Academy. Later it was renamed to the Izmail faculty of ONMA, 12 July in 2002 by the order of Department of education of Ukraine No.398. Starting from the 1st of September 2002 36 students began to study on full-time.
The rebirth of Izmail faculty is a sign event for the whole Danube region. It happened due to the assistance of ex-president STALEMATE of “UDS”, doctor of engineering sciences, professor P.S. Suvorov. By means of steamship line, that gave an apartment, educational laboratories, training ships, possibility of passing of practice and further employment, for students terms and prospects were created for further activity. For short space were created domestic terms are needed for students, a literary-library fund is megascopic to six thousand copies, educational apartments, gymnasium, audiences and laboratories of faculty, are repaired.
D.D. Varatenkov was became the first dean of faculty. In 2003 the candidate of engineering sciences P.V. Boyko became the dean of faculty is graduating student of forensу mechanics faculty OHISU. After completion studies he worked in OHISU: by an assistant on the department of “SICE”, in future by an associate of forensу mechanics faculty dean. In 2003 on the first course of stationary separation 60 students studied from speciality of “Navigator”, 35 – on speciality “Exploitation of ship and power devices”. 38 persons studied on the second course of daily separation, on an in absentia separation are 68 persons.
From 2004 two departments function – Humanitarian disciplines and Scientific technical disciplines. The department of Humanitarian disciplines of the Izmail faculty of ONSU is created in 2004 PhD became by Manager of department, associate professor M.I.Yarmolenko. Leading disciplines of department of humanitarian disciplines : English, history of Ukraine, Cultural, political science, philosophy, psychology, jurisprudence, economic theory and others like that. For more quality teaching of English in 2007 on a faculty a modern multimedia laboratory is created.
The department of Scientific and technical disciplines is founded in 2004 a professor, doctor of engineering sciences, Led a department first, P.S. Suvorov. It was the first years headed activity of department for organization of educational process, decision of methodical employments and creation of laboratory base. In the moment of creation departments worked computer class and laboratories from physics and chemistry. Later, a department was led by the candidate of physical and mathematical sciences O.А. Tcherkas. After a department six laboratories were envisaged: physicists, chemistries, electrical engineering, laboratory of computer graphics, multimedia and computer laboratories.
Departments became complete by skilled shots. The teaching staff of departments consisted of candidates of sciences, associate professors, master’s degrees and teachers that had higher education. Greater part of teachers was folded by young people that engaged in an active scientific collaboration with anchorwomen by the specialists of Ukraine and regularly promoted the educational level in higher educational establishments of country.
To the educational process the production specialists-workers of marine industry were brought over cities (STALEMATE of “UDS”, Izmail trade port, Izmail dockyard, marine classification organizations) that have long-term experience on a marine transport and experience from preparation of marine specialists. Among them PhD, professor, P.S.Suvorov, vice-president is STALEMATE of “UDP”, chief of management of safety of seaworthiness, captain of the distant swimming V.I. Varuskin, ex- vice-president STALEMATE of “UDP” captain of the distant swimming O.M. Drojin, director of regional branch of Register of navigation of Ukraine mechanic of 1th digit V.I. Kozlov, associate professor K.A. Lyhogliad. The faculty advisors of ONSA are involved in an educational process.
From September in 2007 became the dean of the Izmail faculty ONSA candidate of historical sciences, associate professor M.I.Yarmolenko. On this post Maria Ivanovna worked 2016 to, became a professor. Due to her pedagogical, scientific and organizational capabilities in IF ONSA already in 2007 four departments and electrical engineering laboratory worked under the direction of E.M. Radukov the Izmail faculty developed dinamically, on the daily form of studies in 2007 a 341 student studied, on extra-mural – 112.
From 2008 the studies of daily form are well-proven 3 to with further placement in Odesa for completion of studies, a set comes true on the brief form of studies (in 2,5) of in absentia separation on the base of educational level the “Junior specialist”. In connection with the increase of term of studies new disciplines were entered, the laboratory of engineering computer graphics was opened. Large payment in her creation was brought in senior teacher of department A.P.Kolesnik but laboratory assistant D.D.Topal.
In 2009 gs. created multimedia laboratory. Her creation allowed at new level to lay out such disciplines as meteorology, theory of structure of ship, physicist, higher mathematics and others like that.
In 2010 as a result of restructuring of department of Scientific and technical disciplines two departments are created: department of Navigator and ship energy, that was led by the candidate of engineering sciences, associate professor V.I. Chimshir; department of Scientific disciplines, led that candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor I.M. Smirnova-tonkonogova.
From 2013 the complete course of preparation of educationally-qualifying level is organized “Bachelor”. It gave an opportunity to the habitants of Danube region to get quality higher education and glorify skilled potential of marine complex of region. In the same year as a result of restructuring of departments there is the organized department of Engineering disciplines. The candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor led a department A.B.Danilenko.
From 2014 studies are well-proven to the complete course bachelor as on the daily form of studies so on extra-mural. The students of IF ONSA during all studies were provided quality float practice on the courts of base productive enterprise STALEMATE the “Ukrainian Danube steamship line” et al shipping campaigns.
In obedience to the order of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from June, 5 in 2015 №623 and to Order of President of Ukraine from August, 25 in 2015 №500 from January, 1 in 2016 the Odesa national marine academy is regenerate in the National university the “Odesa marine academy”, and the Izmail faculty is reorganized in the Danube institute of the National university the “Odesa marine academy”.
In 2016 the diplomas of bachelor got 67 future navigators and ship mechanics that studied on the daily form of studies, and also 76 external students-students. This was the third producing of bachelors, but the first producing exactly of the Danube institute of the National university the “Odesa marine academy”.
At the end of September in 2016 by Director of the Danube institute of the National university the “Odesa marine academy” the graduating student of the Odesa national marine academy, ship mechanics faculty became candidate of engineering sciences, associate professor V.I.Chomshir.
For the large enough interval of time, qualitatively and the faculty advisors of institute were glorified in number. In 2016 – 2017 school 1088 students and students study in establishment, work 112 teachers. To the educational process the best specialists of marinecomplex of the Danube region are brought over. 2 professors, 23 candidates of sciences, associate professors, work in an institute, 22 elders teacher, 6 graduate students. It allowed to make alteration in an organizational structure – to create new departments. For today in the Danube institute five departments are counted: Navigation and management, Ship power plants and systems, Engineering disciplines, Humanitarian disciplines, Scientific disciplines, a ship. The courses of in-plant training of command crew fleet work and develop. The set of listeners is conducted on the courses of pre-university preparation of university entrants to the external independent testing for entering into higher educational establishments of Ukraine.
The Danube institute has a strong material and technical and laboratory base that is constantly filled up by modern devices, computers and trainer complexes. Employments are conducted in interactive cabinets and multimedia laboratories. The library fund of institute is systematic filled up and counts more than 11500 copies of the specialized literature. Students during all period of studies are provided by quality productive practice on the base of Izmail marine trade port and ship-repair enterprises of city Izmayil, by practice on courts STALEMATE the “Ukrainian Danube steamship line” and other campaigns of navigability.